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The Practice of Creating Love Crsytals is the Practice of connecting

to the Greatest Light which will transform your Quantum Field

to a Love Magnet.  

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To be able to open our Hearts fully to Love & to new relationships, or to transform any relationship, first we need to clear our Hearts from any sort of old messages. Messages of treachery, mistrust, fear, anger, self-doubt and resentment; the idea of having been made mistakes… These are the basic negative messages that keep us on the “survival mode” for love & relationships.


Although LOVE is related directly to the Heart Center, it is through the Root Chakra (the First Soul House) that we found the basis for our relationships. It is the center that carry all the information of ancestral karma and the center of self-quarrel in between the directions of our basic instincts such as “fight or flight”, “love or hate”, “kill or die”.


In this workshop, Dr. Aylin Doğan shares with you the unique Original Tao Calligraphy of DA GUANG MING (Greatest LIGHT) which has the power to heal and transform your ancestral karma and your own karmic debts that you have brought to this life time. This is a very special Calligraphy created by her own Master Teacher, Quantum Physicist Dr. Rulin Xiu who is a Kong Healer.

The Practice of Creating Love Crsytals is the Practice of connecting to the Greatest Light which transforms your Quantum Field to a Love Magnet.  


In this 4 week workshop, you are invited to dive into the Ocean of Love and create those beautiful Love Crystals! 

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